Overview of Baptism
As a Sacramental Community, we believe that Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are very real means of grace to the worshipping church. Another way of saying it is that the veil between heaven and earth becomes very thin at the Communion table and baptistery. Baptism publically identifies someone as an adopted child of the Father, a devoted follower of Jesus, and an available conduit of the Holy Spirit. The baptism of Jesus reveals the Trinitarian nature of the event, evoking both the Father’s expression of affection and the Spirit’s empowering for service (Matthew 3:13-16). Baptism not only initiates a person into the life of Christ, but also initiates them into his Church. Ideally, baptism and membership should always go together (1 Corinthians 12:13). Baptism powerfully symbolizes a person’s new identity as one who now identifies with Jesus in his death, burial and resurrection. You could say that a person being baptised is going down with Jesus into their watery grave and then being raised up to live a whole new life in the Spirit (Romans 6:1-6).
Every person in the New Testament who followed Jesus was baptised (Book of Acts). There were no exceptions. The radical life of discipleship demands an equally radical initiation rite, baptism (Matthew 28:18-20). Baptism is not for super saints but for common sinners. The prerequisite for baptism is that a person must understand and have appropriated the gospel through faith and repentance (Acts 2:38, 39). Baptism doesn’t earn any spiritual brownie points, rather, it publically demonstrates that Jesus Christ has lived, suffered, died, and been raised for the person being baptised. Baptism is a vital first step in a person’s life long journey of dependence on Jesus Christ.
When Can I Get Baptized?
We often have baptisms around Easter and the Summer. In the summer we go to Crescent Beach and immerse people in the ocean. Most other times we baptise people in our baptism tank that we set up in our service.
Register to Join the Next Baptism Class
We invite you to a baptism class that is led by one of the pastors. If you are interested in being baptised email the front desk at the church office or register for a baptism class HERE!