The Missional Team is a group of dedicated individuals who are
This team:
Oversees the Missions Fund
Listens to new ideas
Considers new ministry initiatives
Evaluates how we can support partners
We support missionaries and missional ministries, and direct funds to how we sense God is directing us. Over the years we have supported numerous missionaries, helped launch ministries like the Mt Currie trips and Cloverdale Community Kitchen. Check out the PARTNERSHIP PAGES to find out who we partner with.
By giving to the Missional Fund directly you contribute to a number of partner ministries and specific mission efforts initated by the Missional Team. The team sets annual goals and disperses funds toward helping those in need here, supporting global efforts, sponsoring refugees, and contributing to Missionaries and ministries like the Cloverdale Community Kitchen, Cloverdale Hamper Ministry, NAIM, Young Life, and Youth Unlimited. Give to the Missional Fund by using the link below (PCC LOGO). In the drop down menu under "Giving Type", choose "Missional Fund".