Don't miss out on our next PCC U course coming up this Wednesday, January 22nd from 7pm to 9pm. Childcare will be available and light refreshments will be served. Register today!
Few issues in our culture challenge us as greatly as those of sexuality and gender identity. Although contemporary culture is quick to offer answers, too often the answers offered have left us increasingly unsatisfied, restless, isolated, and lonely. This talk will present a compelling vision for life. Drawing from biblical and theological wisdom, it will also offer practical ways for the church to talk clearly about contemporary sexual issues.
Guest Facilitators:
Mardi Dolfo-Smith serves as the Executive Pastor at Coquitlam Alliance Church. She has been in pastoral ministry and Christian leadership for many years, focusing on leadership development in the church context. Mardi also serves as a sessional lecturer at Regent College.
David Wood serves as the Senior Associate Pastor at Coquitlam Alliance Church. He has been in pastoral ministry and Christian leadership for many years, focusing on spiritual formation and Christian Education. David also serves as an Adjunct Professor at Pacific Life Bible College and an Instructor at Trinity Western University.