While our Youth Pastor, Diane Wong, has been on medical leave, our youth ministry has primarily operated with the help of our intern, Liv, and our volunteer young adult-led team. Conversations with those involved have made it clear that our youth ministry needs dedicated pastoral leadership and support to ensure its smooth operation.
We continue in our commitment to ensuring all our ministries and volunteers are equipped to flourish. After a period of prayer, discernment, and feedback from those involved, we believe it would be wise to hire someone temporarily, part-time, as a Pacific Youth Coordinator, to address the pastoral and leadership needs of our youth ministry.
We would like to announce that Andy Notice will be hired as the Pacific Youth Coordinator. We are excited and thankful for his willingness to step into this role! To learn more about Andy, please read his accompanying bio in the downloads below.
The hiring process for this position was done with the full support of, and in collaboration with, our Lead Pastor and our Board of Elders. Pastor Prince conducted each component of the process, which included engaging with our district leadership. The process revealed that Andy is an excellent fit for this position. His substantial gifts in pastoral leadership and organization, his experience in serving youth in multiple contexts, and his commitment to creating space for teens–through the Holy Spirit’s empowerment and collaborating well with others–will be significantly valued as Andy serves in this role.
This is, however, also a temporary, stabilizing measure. Andy will provide support, while we await Pastor Diane's return, and will continue to offer support during Diane's first month of work, as she reorients herself to full-time ministry.
We want to thank Liv and the youth lead team for their commitment to loving our teens well during this season. We appreciate you and all you do to serve God faithfully in our church! Let’s continue to pray and support Pacific Youth, Andy, Liv, our youth leaders, and teens.