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After Pastor Paula’s decision to step away from her role as PCC’s Family and Women’s Ministries Pastor, our kids ministry has operated with the help of our intern Liv, the kids lead team and our Sunday volunteers. Through conversation with those involved however, it has become clear that our children’s ministry is in need of dedicated administrative support to ensure this ministry functions well. 

We are committed to ensuring all our ministries and volunteers are equipped to flourish. Through a period of prayer, discernment and gathering feedback from those involved, we believe that it would be wise to bring someone on for the role of Pacific Kid’s Coordinator, in a temporary, part-time capacity to address the administrative and organizational needs of kids ministry. 

It is with excitement and thankfulness for her willingness to step into this role, that we would like to announce that Marisa Thomas has been hired on as the Pacific Kid’s Coordinator.  

The hiring process for this position was done with the full support of, and in collaboration with, the Board of Elders and the Kid’s Lead Team. Representatives from these leadership teams conducted each component of the process. We were all unanimous in our agreement that Marisa is an excellent fit for this position. Her experience and strong gifts in administration and organisation, her knowledge of and passion for Pacific Kids, and her clear dependence on the Spirit’s guidance will be greatly valued as she brings shape to this role. 

This is, however, a temporary, stabilizing measure. The long-term plan is to identify a pastor of young families to serve our kids' ministry. We will communicate updates on this process as it unfolds. 

 A big thank you to our kids lead team and our kids ministry volunteers who have served diligently, consistently and with great investments of time and love for our kids. We appreciate you and all you do to point our kids toward the Lord. 

We value your continued prayers and support of our PCC kids, Marisa and our kids ministry volunteers, as we enter this new chapter of Kid’s ministry.