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Hi Pacific,

I hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer season and are staying cool during these hot days.

I am reaching out to let you know that Zipporah Hantke has felt led by the Lord to resign from her role as our Holistic Ministries Lead. We will be sharing a letter written by Zipporah soon. We encourage you to read this letter when it is sent as Zipporah will be sharing heartfeltly with us, her church family.

Over the last couple of years, our church has had the privilege of having Zipporah serve as a valued member of our staff team in this integral capacity. God has used Zipporah powerfully to bless many people through numerous acts of service, which include:

  • Launching and facilitating an ESL program for Canadian newcomers
  • Hosting an Alpha course that led to people entering the waters of baptism
  • Preparing meals with a group of our CCK friends for other CCK guests monthly
  • Starting the “Create-It-Space” program
  • Distributing donated boots to many in need of footwear
  • Facilitating coffee time connection with friends from the food bank weekly

We have truly been made more into the image of Jesus as a community through Zipporah’s efforts to be His hands and feet in our world. Please be praying for Zipporah and her family as they commit to faithfully responding to God’s promptings and direction. We are excited to see how God will use her in this next season.

In the next few weeks, we will be hosting a celebratory event to express our immense gratitude to Zipporah for serving God and His people so faithfully here at Pacific. Please be on the lookout for the confirmed details for this event.

Over the next few weeks, our leadership team will work with the holistic ministries team established by Zipporah to establish our next steps for this central ministry. Would you also pray for wisdom throughout this process? As always, we covet all your prayers!

In Christ,

Pastor Prince