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The Brandon Wallace Memorial Bursary is a $1000 cash award to be given to a student intending or who is already enrolled in post-secondary education at a University, College, Bible College, Seminary or Vocational School. 

The award is available to ANY student attending Pacific Community Church and who plans to begin a new course of post-secondary study in the fall, no matter what age.

Brandon was a cherished member of Pacific who died tragically one morning (Feb 1, 2006) while cycling to school.  This bursary was set up in his memory.

The bursary is offered to inspire and encourage those who are shaped by a contagious desire to serve and follow Christ all the days of their life.

To apply, download the Bursary Application below and submit by August 31, 2024; 5:00 pm to Tracy Cudmore.  Tracy is available to answer any questions you may have regarding the process.