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Dear PCC,

I have made the decision to step away from my role as Holistic Ministries Team Lead. The opportunity to serve in this capacity has been a gift. I have enjoyed listening, learning and growing in relationships with colleagues and with the friends I've made through the ministry of CCK. 

The decision to leave this role came about through discerning what's next for our family and where God is leading us into future endeavours. We are taking a step of faith into seeking the new thing we are being called to. Though we do not know what that is specifically, we are making the space to explore and partner with others, trusting God has put gifts and passions within us to continue to serve the world He so loves. The formation and growth through these past few years is spurring me on toward next steps and we are so thankful for everyone who is loving, encouraging and praying for us through this. 

These past few years have been marked by unexpected and beautiful relationships. I have been blessed with meeting so many diverse people from the community. They have enriched my life with their presence and stories and I have know the joy of loving and being loved. I treasure the gift and honour of being part of so many lives and pray and trust many of these relationships will continue. 

Thank you to Prince, the staff, the CCK team and volunteers, my team partners in Holistic Ministries, my church family and my family for the patience, support, trust and love to embrace this opportunity. I am not the same person because of it and that is a beautiful thing. With sadness and excitement, I am saying goodbye to this role so I can say yes to continuing this work in some new, yet to be determined, capacity. I truly trust this is God's timing to step out and take a risk and ask for continued prayers for our family.

May the Holy Spirit continue to stir all our hearts and renew all our minds as we seek to follow Jesus, one day at a time, in all the gifts and passions entrusted us, and enter with boldness and joy into the new creation work set before us, to the glory of our God and our Father. Amen.

Love in Christ,
Zipporah, Craig and the whole Hantke clan